Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Online Services for Lamb County Defendants

 We are continuing to work toward offering services to Defendants who need the ability to make Hot Check/Restitution/Pretrial Diversion payments.  Check back soon!

Pretrial Diversion

If you are currently on a pretrial diversion which requires monthly reporting to our office, please ensure you submit a Monthly Reporting Form no later than the 7th day of each month.  This form can be sent to our Legal Assistants in various formats, depending on what is convenient for you:

  1. Via email, to daintake@co.lamb.tx.us;
  2. Via regular mail, to 100 6th Drive, Room 210, Littlefield, TX 79339; or
  3. Via facsimile, to (806) 485-0376


If you misplaced your Monthly Reporting Form, please feel free to download and print, or electronically complete the following form: MONTHLY REPORT FORM.pdf